Terms & Conditions
Studio Conduct
- Students are expected to respect their teachers and peers. Any behaviour deemed unacceptable will be managed immediately and students may be removed from class if necessary.
- DanceWorks Studios and the instructors are not liable for any personal injuries or loss/damage to personal property.
- Students are allowed to bring snacks to eat between classes, but please ensure they tidy up after themselves. No food or chewing gum is to be brought into class. Students have access to a water cooler and should bring a drink bottle to every class.
- Students have the use of a common room before, after and between classes. This space is a privilege for our students to access, and we reserve the right to revoke this privilege if the space is not respected.
- Uniforms are compulsory for all students during class time. All students must be in full uniform by the end of Term 1.
- Uniforms can be purchased directly from our Shop or second hand from other students. They must be kept in a clean and tidy condition.
- Hair must be neatly secured away from the face. Ballet Grade Two and above must have their hair in a bun during class.
- No jewellery is to be worn. This is for the safety of our students (with the exception of small stud earrings). Watches and fitbits may be worn but students must be prepared to remove them if the teacher sees it necessary.
Please email admin@danceworks.co.nz if your child will be absent from class.
Video/photo & Social Media
- From time to time, teachers will take videos of class progress to share within our private media sharing platform. Students will have access to these videos to practice class work at home. These videos will only be accessible to DanceWorks Students.
- We also love to share the progress of our students on social media. Please inform us if you do not want photos of your child posted online on our public pages.
Concerts/Exams & Extra Costs
- Exam fees are additional to term fees and must be paid with enrolment into exams. Students will not be entered into their exam until payment is received.
- Classes are taught with the intention of all students sitting exams, however students will be entered into exams at the discretion of both their teacher and parents.
- Exams require a high level of commitment, with extra practices necessary including attendance of weekly classes as well as Mock Exams and any additional classes deemed necessary. Students may be withdrawn from their final exam if they do not have a sufficient attendance rate at the discretion of their teacher.
- Dance is considered a year long commitment (unlike seasonal sporting activities). Our curriculum is planned to be carried out over a period of a year, and disruptions to this make it difficult for us to teach to our high standards. Please give us at least three weeks notice if your child wishes to withdraw from any of our programs to allow us to adjust our programs.
- Costumes for the end of year concert are also additional. Further information regarding this will be distributed closer to the concert.
- Term fees are payable by the first day of each term. This can by done by eftpos, cash or online banking. If you are wanting to setup a payment plan please contact admin@danceworks.co.nz to request the payment plan form. There is a yearly one off administration fee of $10 per student. This is non refundable.
- Costume Fees, Exam Fees and Online orders will be billed individually and will have set due dates for these invoices.
- A late fee of $5 will be applied per invoice if payment is made more than 3 days after the due date of the invoice (this late fee is non refundable).
- Payment Plans for Term fees have a separate set of terms and conditions and a you will need to read and agree to these prior to undertaking the payment plan.
- Payment via credit card incurs a 3% surcharge (convenience fee). This is non refundable.
- All tuition fees are non refundable.
If you have not paid in full or made contact with admin to setup a payment arrangement for the term fees by the end of the first week of term your account will incur a $5 late fee weekly, until either the payment has been made or a payment plan is set up (this late fee is non refundable).
* Term fees need to be cleared every term for re-enrollment into the next term.
* Continuous non payment of fees will result in outstanding fees being recovered from an external debt collection service and costs will be on charged.
Enrolments for classes are rolled over each term unless notice of withdrawal is given.
All public holidays have been accounted for in our fee structure and curriculum. No catch-up classes will be scheduled in these circumstances.
DanceWorks guarantees 8 weeks of teaching per term, any extra weeks are a bonus.